MML is Authorized Distributor of OTC DAIHEN Welding Machine, KOBELCO Welding Consumables (THAI KOBE Welding Co.,Ltd.) & NISSAN TANAKA Gas Equipment in Myanmar
Myanma Motif Ltd was nincorporated in 2010 under nMyanmar Companies Act nvide certificate of incorporation nno. 2646 / 2010-2011. The founder nMr. Maung Maung Lwin has nvast experience in ndealing pipe and pipe nfittings ( both GI and nHDPE ), construction materials,nwelding machines, welding electrodes , consumables and nhe has been nin the business nfor the past n2 decades.
MML supplies nwelding electrodes, welding machines and nconsumables to both nthe Government and nPrivate Sector Users. nMML is strictly nadhering to the nprinciple of “ QTQ ” nwhich means QUALITY PRODUCTS, nTECHNICAL SUPPORT AND nQUICK DELIVERY which is nthe motto of nour principals.
nnnnWith the nactive support of nour principals, we organize nseminars on welding ntechnology, workshops on noptimization of welding nskills, welding demonstrations and nwelding competitions with nthe aim of nupgrading the knowledge nand skills of nthe local welders. nThese activities benefit nboth the Government nDepartments and the nprivate sector Users. We nalso advise the nusers on all nthe aspects of nwelding.
nnnnIn line nwith the policy nof our principals, we have nexcellent record of nlogistics which help nour customers' plan nto source their nrequirements better. We have well ntrained staff who ncan plan the nsupply and delivery nschedule for our ncustomers. The most important nfactor is that nwe carry sufficient nstock for servicing nour customers. And our inventory ncontrol plan helps nour customers source ntheir requirements well nin advance.
nnnnWith the nexperience in this ntrade for more nthan a decade nand armed with nsupport from the ncustomers and our nprincipals we are nmarching forward to nachieve our goal nof gaining maximum nmarket share of nthe premium quality nspecial electrode segment.
Myanma Motif nLtd is well nprepared to serve nits customers as nMyanmar expects to nreceive many foreign ninvestors with the nopening up of nits economy.