Log Messages

Info. & Errors 3

Level Channel Message
INFO 03:15:04 request Matched route "listing_detail".
WARNING 03:15:04 translation Translation not found.
WARNING 03:15:04 translation Translation not found.

Deprecations 20

Time Channel Message
03:15:04 php The possibility to register the same extension twice ("blocks_job") is deprecated since version 1.23 and will be removed in Twig 2.0. Use proper PHP inheritance instead. (2 times)
03:15:04 php The Doctrine\ORM\Proxy\ProxyFactory class extends Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory that is deprecated The Doctrine\Common\Proxy component is deprecated, please use ocramius/proxy-manager instead.
03:15:04 php The Doctrine\ORM\Proxy\Proxy interface extends Doctrine\Common\Proxy\Proxy that is deprecated The Doctrine\Common\Proxy component is deprecated, please use ocramius/proxy-manager instead.
03:15:04 php Deprecated: Filters are deprecated. Use queries in filter context. See
03:15:04 php Deprecated: Filters are deprecated. Use queries in filter context. See
03:15:04 php Use BoolQuery instead. Filtered query is deprecated since ES 2.0.0-beta1 and this class will be removed in further Elastica releases.
03:15:04 php Deprecated: Elastica\Query\Filtered::setFilter passing AbstractFilter is deprecated. Pass AbstractQuery instead.
03:15:04 php Passing type instances to FormBuilder::add(), Form::add() or the FormFactory is deprecated since version 2.8 and will not be supported in 3.0. Use the fully-qualified type class name instead (ArcaSolutions\WebBundle\Form\Type\SendMailType).
03:15:04 php ArcaSolutions\WebBundle\Form\Type\SendMailType: The FormTypeInterface::getName() method is deprecated since version 2.8 and will be removed in 3.0. Remove it from your classes. Use getBlockPrefix() if you want to customize the template block prefix. This method will be added to the FormTypeInterface with Symfony 3.0.
03:15:04 php The form option "intention" is deprecated since version 2.8 and will be removed in 3.0. Use "csrf_token_id" instead.
03:15:04 php Accessing type "text" by its string name is deprecated since version 2.8 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the fully-qualified type class name "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType" instead. (2 times)
03:15:04 php Accessing type "email" by its string name is deprecated since version 2.8 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the fully-qualified type class name "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\EmailType" instead.
03:15:04 php Accessing type "textarea" by its string name is deprecated since version 2.8 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the fully-qualified type class name "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextareaType" instead.
03:15:04 php Accessing type "form" by its string name is deprecated since version 2.8 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the fully-qualified type class name "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" instead.
03:15:04 php ArcaSolutions\CoreBundle\Form\Type\CaptchaType: The FormTypeInterface::getName() method is deprecated since version 2.8 and will be removed in 3.0. Remove it from your classes. Use getBlockPrefix() if you want to customize the template block prefix. This method will be added to the FormTypeInterface with Symfony 3.0.
03:15:04 php The "request" service is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0. Add a typehint for Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request to your controller parameters to retrieve the request instead.
03:15:04 php Defining the initRuntime() method in the "knp_pagination" extension is deprecated since version 1.23. Use the `needs_environment` option to get the Twig_Environment instance in filters, functions, or tests; or explicitly implement Twig_Extension_InitRuntimeInterface if needed (not recommended).
03:15:04 php The hardcoded value you are using for the $referenceType argument of the Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGenerator::generate method is deprecated since version 2.8 and will not be supported anymore in 3.0. Use the constants defined in the UrlGeneratorInterface instead.

Debug 168

Time Channel Message
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::configure".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener::onKernelRequest".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelRequest".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\FragmentListener::onKernelRequest".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\FormatListener::onKernelRequest".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelRequest".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelRequest".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\BodyListener::onKernelRequest".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\TranslatorListener::onKernelRequest".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall::onKernelRequest".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Knp\Bundle\PaginatorBundle\Subscriber\SlidingPaginationSubscriber::onKernelRequest".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\EventListener\RequestListener::onKernelRequest".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.request" to listener "ArcaSolutionsMultiDomainBundleEventListenerDatabaseListener_0000000020648e480000000014667a3517acbfd4b7287664d43bd96320633f6c::onKernelRequest".
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS name_1, t0.value AS value_2 FROM Setting t0
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "ArcaSolutions\MultiDomainBundle\EventListener\DomainListener::onKernelController".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\ParamFetcherListener::onKernelController".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector::onKernelController".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "ArcaSolutions\CoreBundle\EventListener\BeforeControllerListener::onKernelController".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelController".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ControllerListener::onKernelController".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ParamConverterListener::onKernelController".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelController".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener::onKernelController".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "ArcaSolutions\AdminBundle\EventListener\BeforeControllerListener::onKernerController".
03:15:04 event Notified event "kernel.controller" to listener "FOS\RestBundle\EventListener\ViewResponseListener::onKernelController".
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.account_id AS account_id_2, t0.image_id AS image_id_3, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_4, t0.cover_id AS cover_id_5, t0.location_1 AS location_1_6, t0.location_2 AS location_2_7, t0.location_3 AS location_3_8, t0.location_4 AS location_4_9, t0.location_5 AS location_5_10, t0.updated AS updated_11, t0.entered AS entered_12, t0.renewal_date AS renewal_date_13, t0.discount_id AS discount_id_14, t0.title AS title_15, t0.seo_title AS seo_title_16, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_17, AS email_18, t0.show_email AS show_email_19, t0.url AS url_20, t0.display_url AS display_url_21, t0.short_url AS short_url_22, t0.address AS address_23, t0.address2 AS address2_24, t0.zip_code AS zip_code_25, t0.latitude AS latitude_26, t0.longitude AS longitude_27, AS design_28, AS phone_29, t0.fax AS fax_30, t0.description AS description_31, t0.year AS year_32, t0.no_of_employee AS no_of_employee_33, t0.total_ads_year AS total_ads_year_34, t0.order AS order_35, t0.packageinfo AS packageinfo_36, t0.logo AS logo_37, t0.ads_no AS ads_no_38, t0.book_type_name AS book_type_name_39, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_40, t0.long_description AS long_description_41, t0.keywords AS keywords_42, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_43, t0.attachment_file AS attachment_file_44, t0.attachment_caption AS attachment_caption_45, t0.features AS features_46, t0.price AS price_47, t0.social_network AS social_network_48, t0.status AS status_49, t0.level AS level_50, t0.reminder AS reminder_51, t0.fulltextsearch_keyword AS fulltextsearch_keyword_52, t0.fulltextsearch_where AS fulltextsearch_where_53, t0.video_snippet AS video_snippet_54, t0.video_url AS video_url_55, t0.video_description AS video_description_56, t0.hours_work AS hours_work_57, t0.locations AS locations_58, t0.claim_disable AS claim_disable_59, t0.custom_checkbox0 AS custom_checkbox0_60, t0.custom_checkbox1 AS custom_checkbox1_61, t0.custom_checkbox2 AS custom_checkbox2_62, t0.custom_checkbox3 AS custom_checkbox3_63, t0.custom_checkbox4 AS custom_checkbox4_64, t0.custom_checkbox5 AS custom_checkbox5_65, t0.custom_checkbox6 AS custom_checkbox6_66, t0.custom_checkbox7 AS custom_checkbox7_67, t0.custom_checkbox8 AS custom_checkbox8_68, t0.custom_checkbox9 AS custom_checkbox9_69, t0.custom_dropdown0 AS custom_dropdown0_70, t0.custom_dropdown1 AS custom_dropdown1_71, t0.custom_dropdown2 AS custom_dropdown2_72, t0.custom_dropdown3 AS custom_dropdown3_73, t0.custom_dropdown4 AS custom_dropdown4_74, t0.custom_dropdown5 AS custom_dropdown5_75, t0.custom_dropdown6 AS custom_dropdown6_76, t0.custom_dropdown7 AS custom_dropdown7_77, t0.custom_dropdown8 AS custom_dropdown8_78, t0.custom_dropdown9 AS custom_dropdown9_79, t0.custom_text0 AS custom_text0_80, t0.custom_text1 AS custom_text1_81, t0.custom_text2 AS custom_text2_82, t0.custom_text3 AS custom_text3_83, t0.custom_text4 AS custom_text4_84, t0.custom_text5 AS custom_text5_85, t0.custom_text6 AS custom_text6_86, t0.custom_text7 AS custom_text7_87, t0.custom_text8 AS custom_text8_88, t0.custom_text9 AS custom_text9_89, t0.custom_short_desc0 AS custom_short_desc0_90, t0.custom_short_desc1 AS custom_short_desc1_91, t0.custom_short_desc2 AS custom_short_desc2_92, t0.custom_short_desc3 AS custom_short_desc3_93, t0.custom_short_desc4 AS custom_short_desc4_94, t0.custom_short_desc5 AS custom_short_desc5_95, t0.custom_short_desc6 AS custom_short_desc6_96, t0.custom_short_desc7 AS custom_short_desc7_97, t0.custom_short_desc8 AS custom_short_desc8_98, t0.custom_short_desc9 AS custom_short_desc9_99, t0.custom_long_desc0 AS custom_long_desc0_100, t0.custom_long_desc1 AS custom_long_desc1_101, t0.custom_long_desc2 AS custom_long_desc2_102, t0.custom_long_desc3 AS custom_long_desc3_103, t0.custom_long_desc4 AS custom_long_desc4_104, t0.custom_long_desc5 AS custom_long_desc5_105, t0.custom_long_desc6 AS custom_long_desc6_106, t0.custom_long_desc7 AS custom_long_desc7_107, t0.custom_long_desc8 AS custom_long_desc8_108, t0.custom_long_desc9 AS custom_long_desc9_109, t0.number_views AS number_views_110, t0.avg_review AS avg_review_111, t0.map_zoom AS map_zoom_112, t0.package_id AS package_id_113, t0.package_price AS package_price_114, t0.last_traffic_sent AS last_traffic_sent_115, t0.custom_id AS custom_id_116, t0.parent_no AS parent_no_117, t0.client_keyword AS client_keyword_118, t0.business_keyword AS business_keyword_119, t0.brand_keyword AS brand_keyword_120, t0.product_keyword AS product_keyword_121, t0.authorized_brand AS authorized_brand_122, t0.search_term AS search_term_123, t0.brand_ids AS brand_ids_124, t0.product_ids AS product_ids_125, t0.collected_date AS collected_date_126, t0.msiccode AS msiccode_127, t0.import_id AS import_id_128, t0.listingtemplate_id AS listingtemplate_id_129, t0.level AS level_130, t0.image_id AS image_id_131, t0.account_id AS account_id_132, t0.cover_id AS cover_id_133 FROM Listing t0 WHERE t0.friendly_url = ? LIMIT 1
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.level AS level_2, t0.field AS field_3 FROM ListingLevel_Field t0 WHERE t0.level = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT t0.value AS value_1, AS name_2, t0.defaultlevel AS defaultlevel_3, t0.detail AS detail_4, t0.images AS images_5, t0.has_cover_image AS has_cover_image_6, t0.has_logo_image AS has_logo_image_7, t0.has_review AS has_review_8, t0.price AS price_9, t0.price_yearly AS price_yearly_10, t0.free_category AS free_category_11, t0.category_price AS category_price_12, AS active_13, t0.popular AS popular_14, t0.featured AS featured_15, t0.trial AS trial_16, AS deals_17, t0.classified_quantity_association AS classified_quantity_association_18 FROM ListingLevel t0 WHERE t0.value = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.value AS value_2 FROM RobotsFilter t0 WHERE t0.value IN (?)
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.listing_id AS listing_id_2, t0.report_type AS report_type_3, t0.report_amount AS report_amount_4, AS date_5 FROM Report_Listing t0 WHERE t0.listing_id = ? AND = ? AND t0.report_type = ? LIMIT 1
03:15:04 doctrine UPDATE Listing SET number_views = ? WHERE id = ?
03:15:04 doctrine "START TRANSACTION"
03:15:04 doctrine INSERT INTO Report_Listing (listing_id, report_type, report_amount, date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
03:15:04 doctrine "COMMIT"
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.default_id AS default_id_2, AS name_3, t0.name_plural AS name_plural_4, t0.enabled AS enabled_5, t0.`show` AS show_6 FROM Setting_Location t0 WHERE t0.enabled = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.abbreviation AS abbreviation_3, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_4, t0.page_title AS page_title_5, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_6, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_7, t0.latitude AS latitude_8, t0.longitude AS longitude_9, t0.radius AS radius_10, t0.import_id AS import_id_11 FROM Location_1 t0 WHERE = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.location_2 AS location_2_2, t0.location_1 AS location_1_3, AS name_4, t0.abbreviation AS abbreviation_5, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_6, t0.page_title AS page_title_7, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_8, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_9, t0.latitude AS latitude_10, t0.longitude AS longitude_11, t0.radius AS radius_12, t0.import_id AS import_id_13 FROM Location_3 t0 WHERE = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.location_3 AS location_3_2, t0.location_2 AS location_2_3, t0.location_1 AS location_1_4, AS name_5, t0.abbreviation AS abbreviation_6, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_7, t0.page_title AS page_title_8, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_9, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_10, t0.latitude AS latitude_11, t0.longitude AS longitude_12, t0.radius AS radius_13, t0.import_id AS import_id_14 FROM Location_4 t0 WHERE = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_0, g0_.gallery_id AS gallery_id_1, g0_.image_id AS image_id_2, g0_.image_caption AS image_caption_3, g0_.thumb_id AS thumb_id_4, g0_.thumb_caption AS thumb_caption_5, g0_.image_default AS image_default_6, g0_.order AS order_7, g0_.image_id AS image_id_8 FROM Image i1_ LEFT JOIN Gallery_Image g0_ ON (g0_.image_id = LEFT JOIN Gallery_Item g2_ ON (g2_.gallery_id = g0_.gallery_id) WHERE g2_.item_type = ? AND g2_.item_id = ? ORDER BY g0_.image_default DESC LIMIT 2
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT COUNT(*) AS dctrn_count FROM (SELECT DISTINCT id_0 FROM (SELECT AS id_0, r0_.item_type AS item_type_1, r0_.item_id AS item_id_2, r0_.member_id AS member_id_3, r0_.added AS added_4, r0_.ip AS ip_5, r0_.review_title AS review_title_6, AS review_7, r0_.reviewer_name AS reviewer_name_8, r0_.reviewer_email AS reviewer_email_9, r0_.reviewer_location AS reviewer_location_10, r0_.rating AS rating_11, r0_.approved AS approved_12, r0_.response AS response_13, r0_.responseapproved AS responseapproved_14, r0_.`like` AS like_15, r0_.dislike AS dislike_16, r0_.like_ips AS like_ips_17, r0_.dislike_ips AS dislike_ips_18, AS new_19 FROM Review r0_ WHERE r0_.item_id = ? AND r0_.approved = ? AND r0_.item_type = ? ORDER BY r0_.added DESC) dctrn_result) dctrn_table
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.layout_id AS layout_id_2, t0.title AS title_3, t0.updated AS updated_4, t0.entered AS entered_5, t0.status AS status_6, t0.price AS price_7, t0.cat_id AS cat_id_8, t0.editable AS editable_9, t10.listingtemplate_id AS listingtemplate_id_11, t10.field AS field_12, t10.label AS label_13, t10.fieldvalues AS fieldvalues_14, t10.instructions AS instructions_15, t10.required AS required_16, AS search_17, t10.searchbykeyword AS searchbykeyword_18, t10.searchbyrange AS searchbyrange_19, t10.show_order AS show_order_20, t10.enabled AS enabled_21, t10.listingtemplate_id AS listingtemplate_id_22 FROM ListingTemplate t0 LEFT JOIN ListingTemplate_Field t10 ON t10.listingtemplate_id = WHERE = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS name_1, t0.value AS value_2 FROM Setting t0 WHERE = ? LIMIT 1
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.cat_id AS cat_id_4, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_5, t0.image_id AS image_id_6, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_7, t0.type AS type_8, t0.featured AS featured_9, t0.summary_description AS summary_description_10, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_11, t0.page_title AS page_title_12, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_13, t0.keywords AS keywords_14, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_15, t0.content AS content_16, t0.isic_no AS isic_no_17, t0.title_mm AS title_mm_18, t0.enabled AS enabled_19, t0.category_id AS category_id_20, t0.image_id AS image_id_21, AS id_23, t22.type AS type_24, t22.width AS width_25, t22.height AS height_26, t22.prefix AS prefix_27, t22.unsplash AS unsplash_28, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_29, AS id_31, t30.type AS type_32, t30.width AS width_33, t30.height AS height_34, t30.prefix AS prefix_35, t30.unsplash AS unsplash_36, t0.import_id AS import_id_37 FROM ListingCategory t0 LEFT JOIN Image t22 ON t0.image_id = LEFT JOIN Image t30 ON t0.icon_id = INNER JOIN Listing_Category ON = Listing_Category.category_id WHERE Listing_Category.listing_id = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.account_id AS account_id_2, t0.image_id AS image_id_3, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_4, t0.cover_id AS cover_id_5, t0.updated AS updated_6, t0.entered AS entered_7, AS name_8, t0.seo_name AS seo_name_9, t0.description AS description_10, t0.long_description AS long_description_11, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_12, t0.keywords AS keywords_13, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_14, t0.fulltextsearch_keyword AS fulltextsearch_keyword_15, t0.fulltextsearch_where AS fulltextsearch_where_16, t0.start_date AS start_date_17, t0.end_date AS end_date_18, t0.conditions AS conditions_19, t0.number_views AS number_views_20, t0.visibility_start AS visibility_start_21, t0.visibility_end AS visibility_end_22, t0.realvalue AS realvalue_23, t0.dealvalue AS dealvalue_24, t0.deal_type AS deal_type_25, t0.amount AS amount_26, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_27, t0.listing_id AS listing_id_28, t0.listing_status AS listing_status_29, t0.listing_level AS listing_level_30, t0.listing_location1 AS listing_location1_31, t0.listing_location2 AS listing_location2_32, t0.listing_location3 AS listing_location3_33, t0.listing_location4 AS listing_location4_34, t0.listing_location5 AS listing_location5_35, t0.listing_address AS listing_address_36, t0.listing_address2 AS listing_address2_37, t0.listing_zipcode AS listing_zipcode_38, t0.listing_latitude AS listing_latitude_39, t0.listing_longitude AS listing_longitude_40, t0.currency AS currency_41, t0.first_name AS first_name_42, t0.last_name AS last_name_43, AS email_44, AS phone_45, t0.address AS address_46, t0.latitude AS latitude_47, t0.longitude AS longitude_48, t0.listing_id AS listing_id_49, AS id_51, t50.account_id AS account_id_52, t50.image_id AS image_id_53, t50.thumb_id AS thumb_id_54, t50.cover_id AS cover_id_55, t50.location_1 AS location_1_56, t50.location_2 AS location_2_57, t50.location_3 AS location_3_58, t50.location_4 AS location_4_59, t50.location_5 AS location_5_60, t50.updated AS updated_61, t50.entered AS entered_62, t50.renewal_date AS renewal_date_63, t50.discount_id AS discount_id_64, t50.title AS title_65, t50.seo_title AS seo_title_66, t50.friendly_url AS friendly_url_67, AS email_68, t50.show_email AS show_email_69, t50.url AS url_70, t50.display_url AS display_url_71, t50.short_url AS short_url_72, t50.address AS address_73, t50.address2 AS address2_74, t50.zip_code AS zip_code_75, t50.latitude AS latitude_76, t50.longitude AS longitude_77, AS design_78, AS phone_79, t50.fax AS fax_80, t50.description AS description_81, t50.year AS year_82, t50.no_of_employee AS no_of_employee_83, t50.total_ads_year AS total_ads_year_84, t50.order AS order_85, t50.packageinfo AS packageinfo_86, t50.logo AS logo_87, t50.ads_no AS ads_no_88, t50.book_type_name AS book_type_name_89, t50.seo_description AS seo_description_90, t50.long_description AS long_description_91, t50.keywords AS keywords_92, t50.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_93, t50.attachment_file AS attachment_file_94, t50.attachment_caption AS attachment_caption_95, t50.features AS features_96, t50.price AS price_97, t50.social_network AS social_network_98, t50.status AS status_99, t50.level AS level_100, t50.reminder AS reminder_101, t50.fulltextsearch_keyword AS fulltextsearch_keyword_102, t50.fulltextsearch_where AS fulltextsearch_where_103, t50.video_snippet AS video_snippet_104, t50.video_url AS video_url_105, t50.video_description AS video_description_106, t50.hours_work AS hours_work_107, t50.locations AS locations_108, t50.claim_disable AS claim_disable_109, t50.custom_checkbox0 AS custom_checkbox0_110, t50.custom_checkbox1 AS custom_checkbox1_111, t50.custom_checkbox2 AS custom_checkbox2_112, t50.custom_checkbox3 AS custom_checkbox3_113, t50.custom_checkbox4 AS custom_checkbox4_114, t50.custom_checkbox5 AS custom_checkbox5_115, t50.custom_checkbox6 AS custom_checkbox6_116, t50.custom_checkbox7 AS custom_checkbox7_117, t50.custom_checkbox8 AS custom_checkbox8_118, t50.custom_checkbox9 AS custom_checkbox9_119, t50.custom_dropdown0 AS custom_dropdown0_120, t50.custom_dropdown1 AS custom_dropdown1_121, t50.custom_dropdown2 AS custom_dropdown2_122, t50.custom_dropdown3 AS custom_dropdown3_123, t50.custom_dropdown4 AS custom_dropdown4_124, t50.custom_dropdown5 AS custom_dropdown5_125, t50.custom_dropdown6 AS custom_dropdown6_126, t50.custom_dropdown7 AS custom_dropdown7_127, t50.custom_dropdown8 AS custom_dropdown8_128, t50.custom_dropdown9 AS custom_dropdown9_129, t50.custom_text0 AS custom_text0_130, t50.custom_text1 AS custom_text1_131, t50.custom_text2 AS custom_text2_132, t50.custom_text3 AS custom_text3_133, t50.custom_text4 AS custom_text4_134, t50.custom_text5 AS custom_text5_135, t50.custom_text6 AS custom_text6_136, t50.custom_text7 AS custom_text7_137, t50.custom_text8 AS custom_text8_138, t50.custom_text9 AS custom_text9_139, t50.custom_short_desc0 AS custom_short_desc0_140, t50.custom_short_desc1 AS custom_short_desc1_141, 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t193.width AS width_196, t193.height AS height_197, t193.prefix AS prefix_198, t193.unsplash AS unsplash_199 FROM Promotion t0 LEFT JOIN Listing t50 ON t0.listing_id = LEFT JOIN Image t185 ON t0.image_id = LEFT JOIN Image t193 ON t0.cover_id = WHERE t0.listing_id = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.editor_choice_id AS editor_choice_id_2, t0.listing_id AS listing_id_3, t0.listing_id AS listing_id_4, t0.editor_choice_id AS editor_choice_id_5 FROM Listing_Choice t0 WHERE t0.listing_id = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.account_id AS account_id_2, t0.image_id AS image_id_3, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_4, t0.cover_id AS cover_id_5, t0.entered AS entered_6, t0.updated AS updated_7, t0.renewal_date AS renewal_date_8, t0.discount_id AS discount_id_9, t0.title AS title_10, t0.seo_title AS seo_title_11, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_12, AS email_13, t0.url AS url_14, t0.contactname AS contactname_15, t0.address AS address_16, t0.address2 AS address2_17, AS phone_18, t0.summarydesc AS summarydesc_19, t0.seo_summarydesc AS seo_summarydesc_20, t0.detaildesc AS detaildesc_21, t0.keywords AS keywords_22, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_23, t0.fulltextsearch_keyword AS fulltextsearch_keyword_24, t0.fulltextsearch_where AS fulltextsearch_where_25, t0.zip_code AS zip_code_26, t0.latitude AS latitude_27, t0.longitude AS longitude_28, t0.location_1 AS location_1_29, t0.location_2 AS location_2_30, t0.location_3 AS location_3_31, t0.location_4 AS location_4_32, t0.location_5 AS location_5_33, t0.level AS level_34, t0.status AS status_35, t0.cat_1_id AS cat_1_id_36, t0.parcat_1_level1_id AS parcat_1_level1_id_37, t0.parcat_1_level2_id AS parcat_1_level2_id_38, t0.parcat_1_level3_id AS parcat_1_level3_id_39, t0.parcat_1_level4_id AS parcat_1_level4_id_40, t0.cat_2_id AS cat_2_id_41, t0.parcat_2_level1_id AS parcat_2_level1_id_42, t0.parcat_2_level2_id AS parcat_2_level2_id_43, t0.parcat_2_level3_id AS parcat_2_level3_id_44, t0.parcat_2_level4_id AS parcat_2_level4_id_45, t0.cat_3_id AS cat_3_id_46, t0.parcat_3_level1_id AS parcat_3_level1_id_47, t0.parcat_3_level2_id AS parcat_3_level2_id_48, t0.parcat_3_level3_id AS parcat_3_level3_id_49, t0.parcat_3_level4_id AS parcat_3_level4_id_50, t0.cat_4_id AS cat_4_id_51, t0.parcat_4_level1_id AS parcat_4_level1_id_52, t0.parcat_4_level2_id AS parcat_4_level2_id_53, t0.parcat_4_level3_id AS parcat_4_level3_id_54, t0.parcat_4_level4_id AS parcat_4_level4_id_55, t0.cat_5_id AS cat_5_id_56, t0.parcat_5_level1_id AS parcat_5_level1_id_57, t0.parcat_5_level2_id AS parcat_5_level2_id_58, t0.parcat_5_level3_id AS parcat_5_level3_id_59, t0.parcat_5_level4_id AS parcat_5_level4_id_60, t0.classified_price AS classified_price_61, t0.number_views AS number_views_62, t0.map_zoom AS map_zoom_63, t0.package_id AS package_id_64, t0.listing_id AS listing_id_65, t0.package_price AS package_price_66, t0.video_snippet AS video_snippet_67, t0.video_url AS video_url_68, t0.video_description AS video_description_69, t0.attachment_file AS attachment_file_70, t0.attachment_caption AS attachment_caption_71, t0.listing_id AS listing_id_72, t0.level AS level_73, t0.cat_1_id AS cat_1_id_74, AS id_76, t75.title AS title_77, t75.category_id AS category_id_78, t75.thumb_id AS thumb_id_79, t75.image_id AS image_id_80, t75.icon_id AS icon_id_81, t75.featured AS featured_82, t75.summary_description AS summary_description_83, t75.seo_description AS seo_description_84, t75.page_title AS page_title_85, t75.friendly_url AS friendly_url_86, t75.keywords AS keywords_87, t75.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_88, t75.content AS content_89, t75.enabled AS enabled_90, t75.category_id AS category_id_91, t75.image_id AS image_id_92, t75.icon_id AS icon_id_93, t0.cat_2_id AS cat_2_id_94, AS id_96, t95.title AS title_97, t95.category_id AS category_id_98, t95.thumb_id AS thumb_id_99, t95.image_id AS image_id_100, t95.icon_id AS icon_id_101, t95.featured AS featured_102, t95.summary_description AS summary_description_103, t95.seo_description AS seo_description_104, t95.page_title AS page_title_105, t95.friendly_url AS friendly_url_106, t95.keywords AS keywords_107, t95.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_108, t95.content AS content_109, t95.enabled AS enabled_110, t95.category_id AS category_id_111, t95.image_id AS image_id_112, t95.icon_id AS icon_id_113, t0.cat_3_id AS cat_3_id_114, AS id_116, t115.title AS title_117, t115.category_id AS category_id_118, t115.thumb_id AS thumb_id_119, t115.image_id AS image_id_120, t115.icon_id AS icon_id_121, t115.featured AS featured_122, t115.summary_description AS summary_description_123, t115.seo_description AS seo_description_124, t115.page_title AS page_title_125, t115.friendly_url AS friendly_url_126, t115.keywords AS keywords_127, t115.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_128, t115.content AS content_129, t115.enabled AS enabled_130, t115.category_id AS category_id_131, t115.image_id AS image_id_132, t115.icon_id AS icon_id_133, t0.cat_4_id AS cat_4_id_134, AS id_136, t135.title AS title_137, t135.category_id AS category_id_138, t135.thumb_id AS thumb_id_139, t135.image_id AS image_id_140, t135.icon_id AS icon_id_141, t135.featured AS featured_142, t135.summary_description AS summary_description_143, t135.seo_description AS seo_description_144, t135.page_title AS page_title_145, t135.friendly_url AS friendly_url_146, t135.keywords AS keywords_147, t135.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_148, t135.content AS content_149, t135.enabled AS enabled_150, t135.category_id AS category_id_151, t135.image_id AS image_id_152, t135.icon_id AS icon_id_153, t0.cat_5_id AS cat_5_id_154, AS id_156, t155.title AS title_157, t155.category_id AS category_id_158, t155.thumb_id AS thumb_id_159, t155.image_id AS image_id_160, t155.icon_id AS icon_id_161, t155.featured AS featured_162, t155.summary_description AS summary_description_163, t155.seo_description AS seo_description_164, t155.page_title AS page_title_165, t155.friendly_url AS friendly_url_166, t155.keywords AS keywords_167, t155.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_168, t155.content AS content_169, t155.enabled AS enabled_170, t155.category_id AS category_id_171, t155.image_id AS image_id_172, t155.icon_id AS icon_id_173, t0.cover_id AS cover_id_174, AS id_176, t175.type AS type_177, t175.width AS width_178, t175.height AS height_179, t175.prefix AS prefix_180, t175.unsplash AS unsplash_181, t0.image_id AS image_id_182 FROM Classified t0 LEFT JOIN ClassifiedCategory t75 ON t0.cat_1_id = LEFT JOIN ClassifiedCategory t95 ON t0.cat_2_id = LEFT JOIN ClassifiedCategory t115 ON t0.cat_3_id = LEFT JOIN ClassifiedCategory t135 ON t0.cat_4_id = LEFT JOIN ClassifiedCategory t155 ON t0.cat_5_id = LEFT JOIN Image t175 ON t0.cover_id = WHERE t0.listing_id = ? ORDER BY t0.status ASC
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_0, p0_.title AS title_1, p0_.url AS url_2, p0_.meta_description AS meta_description_3, p0_.meta_key AS meta_key_4, p0_.sitemap AS sitemap_5, p0_.custom_tag AS custom_tag_6, p0_.pagetype_id AS pagetype_id_7, p0_.updated AS updated_8, p0_.pagetype_id AS pagetype_id_9 FROM Page p0_ LEFT JOIN PageType p1_ ON p0_.pagetype_id = WHERE p1_.title = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_0, r0_.listing_id AS listing_id_1, AS day_2, r0_.total_view AS total_view_3, r0_.site_visit_count AS site_visit_count_4 FROM Report_ClientCookie_Daily r0_ WHERE r0_.listing_id = ? AND DATE( = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.listing_id AS listing_id_2, t0.cookie AS cookie_3, t0.created_date AS created_date_4, t0.last_visit_date AS last_visit_date_5, t0.initial_status AS initial_status_6, t0.total_views AS total_views_7, t0.site_visit_count AS site_visit_count_8 FROM Report_ClientCookie t0 WHERE t0.listing_id IS NULL LIMIT 1
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.default_id AS default_id_2, AS name_3, t0.name_plural AS name_plural_4, t0.enabled AS enabled_5, t0.`show` AS show_6 FROM Setting_Location t0 WHERE t0.enabled = ?
03:15:04 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT count( AS sclr_0 FROM Review r0_ WHERE r0_.item_type = ? AND r0_.approved = ? AND r0_.item_id = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2 FROM Theme t0 WHERE t0.title = ? LIMIT 1
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2 FROM Theme t0 WHERE t0.title = ? LIMIT 1
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.page_id AS page_id_2, t0.widget_id AS widget_id_3, t0.content AS content_4, t0.`order` AS order_5, t0.theme_id AS theme_id_6, t0.page_id AS page_id_7, t0.widget_id AS widget_id_8, AS id_10, t9.title AS title_11, t9.twig_file AS twig_file_12, t9.content AS content_13, t9.`type` AS type_14, t9.`modal` AS modal_15, t0.theme_id AS theme_id_16 FROM Page_Widget t0 LEFT JOIN Widget t9 ON t0.widget_id = WHERE t0.page_id = ? AND t0.theme_id = ? ORDER BY t0.`order` ASC
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT s0_.`order` AS order_0, s0_.area AS area_1, s0_.label AS label_2, AS link_3, s0_.custom AS custom_4, s0_.page_id AS page_id_5 FROM Setting_Navigation s0_ WHERE s0_.area = ? AND ( IS NOT NULL OR s0_.page_id IS NOT NULL) ORDER BY s0_.`order` ASC
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS name_0, s0_.value AS value_1 FROM Setting s0_ WHERE IN ('custom_event_feature', 'custom_classified_feature', 'custom_article_feature', 'custom_banner_feature', 'custom_promotion_feature', 'custom_blog_feature', 'custom_job_feature')
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.url AS url_3, t0.meta_description AS meta_description_4, t0.meta_key AS meta_key_5, t0.sitemap AS sitemap_6, t0.custom_tag AS custom_tag_7, t0.pagetype_id AS pagetype_id_8, t0.updated AS updated_9, t0.pagetype_id AS pagetype_id_10 FROM Page t0 WHERE = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2 FROM PageType t0 WHERE = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.url AS url_3, t0.meta_description AS meta_description_4, t0.meta_key AS meta_key_5, t0.sitemap AS sitemap_6, t0.custom_tag AS custom_tag_7, t0.pagetype_id AS pagetype_id_8, t0.updated AS updated_9, t0.pagetype_id AS pagetype_id_10 FROM Page t0 WHERE = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2 FROM PageType t0 WHERE = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.url AS url_3, t0.meta_description AS meta_description_4, t0.meta_key AS meta_key_5, t0.sitemap AS sitemap_6, t0.custom_tag AS custom_tag_7, t0.pagetype_id AS pagetype_id_8, t0.updated AS updated_9, t0.pagetype_id AS pagetype_id_10 FROM Page t0 WHERE = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2 FROM PageType t0 WHERE = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, AS bank_2, t0.currency AS currency_3, AS buy_4, t0.sell AS sell_5 FROM Exchange t0
03:15:04 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:04 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:04 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:04 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:04 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:04 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:04 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:04 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.default_id AS default_id_2, AS name_3, t0.name_plural AS name_plural_4, t0.enabled AS enabled_5, t0.`show` AS show_6 FROM Setting_Location t0 WHERE t0.enabled = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS name_1, t0.value AS value_2 FROM Setting t0 WHERE = ? LIMIT 1
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT b0_.value AS value_0, AS name_1, b0_.defaultlevel AS defaultlevel_2, b0_.price AS price_3, b0_.price_yearly AS price_yearly_4, b0_.width AS width_5, b0_.height AS height_6, AS active_7, b0_.popular AS popular_8, b0_.displayName AS displayName_9, b0_.trial AS trial_10 FROM BannerLevel b0_ WHERE = ? AND b0_.value = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.cat_id AS cat_id_4, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_5, t0.image_id AS image_id_6, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_7, t0.type AS type_8, t0.featured AS featured_9, t0.summary_description AS summary_description_10, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_11, t0.page_title AS page_title_12, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_13, t0.keywords AS keywords_14, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_15, t0.content AS content_16, t0.isic_no AS isic_no_17, t0.title_mm AS title_mm_18, t0.enabled AS enabled_19, t0.category_id AS category_id_20, t0.image_id AS image_id_21, AS id_23, t22.type AS type_24, t22.width AS width_25, t22.height AS height_26, t22.prefix AS prefix_27, t22.unsplash AS unsplash_28, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_29, AS id_31, t30.type AS type_32, t30.width AS width_33, t30.height AS height_34, t30.prefix AS prefix_35, t30.unsplash AS unsplash_36, t0.import_id AS import_id_37 FROM ListingCategory t0 LEFT JOIN Image t22 ON t0.image_id = LEFT JOIN Image t30 ON t0.icon_id = WHERE IN (?)
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.cat_id AS cat_id_4, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_5, t0.image_id AS image_id_6, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_7, t0.type AS type_8, t0.featured AS featured_9, t0.summary_description AS summary_description_10, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_11, t0.page_title AS page_title_12, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_13, t0.keywords AS keywords_14, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_15, t0.content AS content_16, t0.isic_no AS isic_no_17, t0.title_mm AS title_mm_18, t0.enabled AS enabled_19, t0.category_id AS category_id_20, t0.image_id AS image_id_21, AS id_23, t22.type AS type_24, t22.width AS width_25, t22.height AS height_26, t22.prefix AS prefix_27, t22.unsplash AS unsplash_28, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_29, AS id_31, t30.type AS type_32, t30.width AS width_33, t30.height AS height_34, t30.prefix AS prefix_35, t30.unsplash AS unsplash_36, t0.import_id AS import_id_37 FROM ListingCategory t0 LEFT JOIN Image t22 ON t0.image_id = LEFT JOIN Image t30 ON t0.icon_id = WHERE IN (?)
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_0, b0_.account_id AS account_id_1, b0_.image_id AS image_id_2, b0_.category_id AS category_id_3, b0_.renewal_date AS renewal_date_4, b0_.discount_id AS discount_id_5, b0_.caption AS caption_6, b0_.status AS status_7, b0_.target_window AS target_window_8, b0_.type AS type_9, b0_.section AS section_10, b0_.content_line1 AS content_line1_11, b0_.content_line2 AS content_line2_12, b0_.destination_protocol AS destination_protocol_13, b0_.display_url AS display_url_14, b0_.destination_url AS destination_url_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16, b0_.entered AS entered_17, b0_.show_type AS show_type_18, b0_.script AS script_19, b0_.package_id AS package_id_20, b0_.package_price AS package_price_21, RAND() AS sclr_22, b0_.image_id AS image_id_23 FROM Banner b0_ WHERE (b0_.renewal_date >= CURRENT_DATE OR b0_.renewal_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR b0_.renewal_date IS NULL) AND (b0_.section = 'global' OR (b0_.section = 'listing' AND b0_.category_id IN (?)) OR (b0_.section = 'promotion' AND b0_.category_id IN (?))) AND b0_.status = 'A' AND b0_.type = 3 ORDER BY sclr_22 ASC LIMIT 1
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT b0_.value AS value_0, AS name_1, b0_.defaultlevel AS defaultlevel_2, b0_.price AS price_3, b0_.price_yearly AS price_yearly_4, b0_.width AS width_5, b0_.height AS height_6, AS active_7, b0_.popular AS popular_8, b0_.displayName AS displayName_9, b0_.trial AS trial_10 FROM BannerLevel b0_ WHERE = ? AND b0_.value = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.cat_id AS cat_id_4, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_5, t0.image_id AS image_id_6, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_7, t0.type AS type_8, t0.featured AS featured_9, t0.summary_description AS summary_description_10, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_11, t0.page_title AS page_title_12, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_13, t0.keywords AS keywords_14, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_15, t0.content AS content_16, t0.isic_no AS isic_no_17, t0.title_mm AS title_mm_18, t0.enabled AS enabled_19, t0.category_id AS category_id_20, t0.image_id AS image_id_21, AS id_23, t22.type AS type_24, t22.width AS width_25, t22.height AS height_26, t22.prefix AS prefix_27, t22.unsplash AS unsplash_28, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_29, AS id_31, t30.type AS type_32, t30.width AS width_33, t30.height AS height_34, t30.prefix AS prefix_35, t30.unsplash AS unsplash_36, t0.import_id AS import_id_37 FROM ListingCategory t0 LEFT JOIN Image t22 ON t0.image_id = LEFT JOIN Image t30 ON t0.icon_id = WHERE IN (?)
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.cat_id AS cat_id_4, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_5, t0.image_id AS image_id_6, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_7, t0.type AS type_8, t0.featured AS featured_9, t0.summary_description AS summary_description_10, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_11, t0.page_title AS page_title_12, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_13, t0.keywords AS keywords_14, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_15, t0.content AS content_16, t0.isic_no AS isic_no_17, t0.title_mm AS title_mm_18, t0.enabled AS enabled_19, t0.category_id AS category_id_20, t0.image_id AS image_id_21, AS id_23, t22.type AS type_24, t22.width AS width_25, t22.height AS height_26, t22.prefix AS prefix_27, t22.unsplash AS unsplash_28, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_29, AS id_31, t30.type AS type_32, t30.width AS width_33, t30.height AS height_34, t30.prefix AS prefix_35, t30.unsplash AS unsplash_36, t0.import_id AS import_id_37 FROM ListingCategory t0 LEFT JOIN Image t22 ON t0.image_id = LEFT JOIN Image t30 ON t0.icon_id = WHERE IN (?)
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_0, b0_.account_id AS account_id_1, b0_.image_id AS image_id_2, b0_.category_id AS category_id_3, b0_.renewal_date AS renewal_date_4, b0_.discount_id AS discount_id_5, b0_.caption AS caption_6, b0_.status AS status_7, b0_.target_window AS target_window_8, b0_.type AS type_9, b0_.section AS section_10, b0_.content_line1 AS content_line1_11, b0_.content_line2 AS content_line2_12, b0_.destination_protocol AS destination_protocol_13, b0_.display_url AS display_url_14, b0_.destination_url AS destination_url_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16, b0_.entered AS entered_17, b0_.show_type AS show_type_18, b0_.script AS script_19, b0_.package_id AS package_id_20, b0_.package_price AS package_price_21, RAND() AS sclr_22, b0_.image_id AS image_id_23 FROM Banner b0_ WHERE (b0_.renewal_date >= CURRENT_DATE OR b0_.renewal_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR b0_.renewal_date IS NULL) AND (b0_.section = 'global' OR (b0_.section = 'listing' AND b0_.category_id IN (?)) OR (b0_.section = 'promotion' AND b0_.category_id IN (?))) AND b0_.status = 'A' AND b0_.type = 3 ORDER BY sclr_22 ASC LIMIT 1
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT b0_.value AS value_0, AS name_1, b0_.defaultlevel AS defaultlevel_2, b0_.price AS price_3, b0_.price_yearly AS price_yearly_4, b0_.width AS width_5, b0_.height AS height_6, AS active_7, b0_.popular AS popular_8, b0_.displayName AS displayName_9, b0_.trial AS trial_10 FROM BannerLevel b0_ WHERE = ? AND b0_.value = ?
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.cat_id AS cat_id_4, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_5, t0.image_id AS image_id_6, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_7, t0.type AS type_8, t0.featured AS featured_9, t0.summary_description AS summary_description_10, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_11, t0.page_title AS page_title_12, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_13, t0.keywords AS keywords_14, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_15, t0.content AS content_16, t0.isic_no AS isic_no_17, t0.title_mm AS title_mm_18, t0.enabled AS enabled_19, t0.category_id AS category_id_20, t0.image_id AS image_id_21, AS id_23, t22.type AS type_24, t22.width AS width_25, t22.height AS height_26, t22.prefix AS prefix_27, t22.unsplash AS unsplash_28, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_29, AS id_31, t30.type AS type_32, t30.width AS width_33, t30.height AS height_34, t30.prefix AS prefix_35, t30.unsplash AS unsplash_36, t0.import_id AS import_id_37 FROM ListingCategory t0 LEFT JOIN Image t22 ON t0.image_id = LEFT JOIN Image t30 ON t0.icon_id = WHERE IN (?)
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.cat_id AS cat_id_4, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_5, t0.image_id AS image_id_6, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_7, t0.type AS type_8, t0.featured AS featured_9, t0.summary_description AS summary_description_10, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_11, t0.page_title AS page_title_12, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_13, t0.keywords AS keywords_14, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_15, t0.content AS content_16, t0.isic_no AS isic_no_17, t0.title_mm AS title_mm_18, t0.enabled AS enabled_19, t0.category_id AS category_id_20, t0.image_id AS image_id_21, AS id_23, t22.type AS type_24, t22.width AS width_25, t22.height AS height_26, t22.prefix AS prefix_27, t22.unsplash AS unsplash_28, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_29, AS id_31, t30.type AS type_32, t30.width AS width_33, t30.height AS height_34, t30.prefix AS prefix_35, t30.unsplash AS unsplash_36, t0.import_id AS import_id_37 FROM ListingCategory t0 LEFT JOIN Image t22 ON t0.image_id = LEFT JOIN Image t30 ON t0.icon_id = WHERE IN (?)
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT AS id_0, b0_.account_id AS account_id_1, b0_.image_id AS image_id_2, b0_.category_id AS category_id_3, b0_.renewal_date AS renewal_date_4, b0_.discount_id AS discount_id_5, b0_.caption AS caption_6, b0_.status AS status_7, b0_.target_window AS target_window_8, b0_.type AS type_9, b0_.section AS section_10, b0_.content_line1 AS content_line1_11, b0_.content_line2 AS content_line2_12, b0_.destination_protocol AS destination_protocol_13, b0_.display_url AS display_url_14, b0_.destination_url AS destination_url_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16, b0_.entered AS entered_17, b0_.show_type AS show_type_18, b0_.script AS script_19, b0_.package_id AS package_id_20, b0_.package_price AS package_price_21, RAND() AS sclr_22, b0_.image_id AS image_id_23 FROM Banner b0_ WHERE (b0_.renewal_date >= CURRENT_DATE OR b0_.renewal_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR b0_.renewal_date IS NULL) AND (b0_.section = 'global' OR (b0_.section = 'listing' AND b0_.category_id IN (?)) OR (b0_.section = 'promotion' AND b0_.category_id IN (?))) AND b0_.status = 'A' AND b0_.type = 4 ORDER BY sclr_22 ASC LIMIT 1
03:15:04 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT l0_.listing_id AS listing_id_0, l0_.category_id AS category_id_1, l0_.industry_type AS industry_type_2, l0_.main AS main_3, l0_.is_sponsor AS is_sponsor_4, l0_.category_id AS category_id_5 FROM Listing_Category l0_ INNER JOIN ListingCategory l1_ ON l0_.category_id = WHERE l0_.listing_id = ? ORDER BY l0_.main DESC
03:15:04 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:04 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:04 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:04 doctrine SELECT l.*, as location1_name, as location3_name, as location4_name FROM yangon_domain.Listing l join yangon_main.Location_1 l1 on l.location_1 = join yangon_main.Location_3 l3 on l.location_3 = join yangon_main.Location_4 l4 on l.location_4 = where (l.parent_no = 'U33595' ) and != 153882 order by,,, l.title limit 0, 100
03:15:05 doctrine SELECT l0_.listing_brand_producttype_id AS listing_brand_producttype_id_0, l0_.listing_id AS listing_id_1, l0_.producttype_id AS producttype_id_2, l0_.brand_id AS brand_id_3, l0_.authorized_dealer AS authorized_dealer_4, l0_.brand_id AS brand_id_5, l0_.producttype_id AS producttype_id_6 FROM Listing_Brand_ProductType l0_ INNER JOIN ProductType p1_ ON (l0_.producttype_id = WHERE l0_.listing_id = ? ORDER BY p1_.title ASC
03:15:05 doctrine SELECT l0_.listing_brand_producttype_id AS listing_brand_producttype_id_0, l0_.listing_id AS listing_id_1, l0_.producttype_id AS producttype_id_2, l0_.brand_id AS brand_id_3, l0_.authorized_dealer AS authorized_dealer_4, l0_.brand_id AS brand_id_5, l0_.producttype_id AS producttype_id_6 FROM Listing_Brand_ProductType l0_ INNER JOIN Brand b1_ ON (l0_.brand_id = WHERE l0_.listing_id = ? ORDER BY b1_.title ASC
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 doctrine SELECT b0_.value AS value_0, AS name_1, b0_.defaultlevel AS defaultlevel_2, b0_.price AS price_3, b0_.price_yearly AS price_yearly_4, b0_.width AS width_5, b0_.height AS height_6, AS active_7, b0_.popular AS popular_8, b0_.displayName AS displayName_9, b0_.trial AS trial_10 FROM BannerLevel b0_ WHERE = ? AND b0_.value = ?
03:15:05 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.cat_id AS cat_id_4, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_5, t0.image_id AS image_id_6, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_7, t0.type AS type_8, t0.featured AS featured_9, t0.summary_description AS summary_description_10, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_11, t0.page_title AS page_title_12, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_13, t0.keywords AS keywords_14, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_15, t0.content AS content_16, t0.isic_no AS isic_no_17, t0.title_mm AS title_mm_18, t0.enabled AS enabled_19, t0.category_id AS category_id_20, t0.image_id AS image_id_21, AS id_23, t22.type AS type_24, t22.width AS width_25, t22.height AS height_26, t22.prefix AS prefix_27, t22.unsplash AS unsplash_28, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_29, AS id_31, t30.type AS type_32, t30.width AS width_33, t30.height AS height_34, t30.prefix AS prefix_35, t30.unsplash AS unsplash_36, t0.import_id AS import_id_37 FROM ListingCategory t0 LEFT JOIN Image t22 ON t0.image_id = LEFT JOIN Image t30 ON t0.icon_id = WHERE IN (?)
03:15:05 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.cat_id AS cat_id_4, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_5, t0.image_id AS image_id_6, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_7, t0.type AS type_8, t0.featured AS featured_9, t0.summary_description AS summary_description_10, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_11, t0.page_title AS page_title_12, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_13, t0.keywords AS keywords_14, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_15, t0.content AS content_16, t0.isic_no AS isic_no_17, t0.title_mm AS title_mm_18, t0.enabled AS enabled_19, t0.category_id AS category_id_20, t0.image_id AS image_id_21, AS id_23, t22.type AS type_24, t22.width AS width_25, t22.height AS height_26, t22.prefix AS prefix_27, t22.unsplash AS unsplash_28, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_29, AS id_31, t30.type AS type_32, t30.width AS width_33, t30.height AS height_34, t30.prefix AS prefix_35, t30.unsplash AS unsplash_36, t0.import_id AS import_id_37 FROM ListingCategory t0 LEFT JOIN Image t22 ON t0.image_id = LEFT JOIN Image t30 ON t0.icon_id = WHERE IN (?)
03:15:05 doctrine SELECT AS id_0, b0_.account_id AS account_id_1, b0_.image_id AS image_id_2, b0_.category_id AS category_id_3, b0_.renewal_date AS renewal_date_4, b0_.discount_id AS discount_id_5, b0_.caption AS caption_6, b0_.status AS status_7, b0_.target_window AS target_window_8, b0_.type AS type_9, b0_.section AS section_10, b0_.content_line1 AS content_line1_11, b0_.content_line2 AS content_line2_12, b0_.destination_protocol AS destination_protocol_13, b0_.display_url AS display_url_14, b0_.destination_url AS destination_url_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16, b0_.entered AS entered_17, b0_.show_type AS show_type_18, b0_.script AS script_19, b0_.package_id AS package_id_20, b0_.package_price AS package_price_21, RAND() AS sclr_22, b0_.image_id AS image_id_23 FROM Banner b0_ WHERE (b0_.renewal_date >= CURRENT_DATE OR b0_.renewal_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR b0_.renewal_date IS NULL) AND (b0_.section = 'global' OR (b0_.section = 'listing' AND b0_.category_id IN (?)) OR (b0_.section = 'promotion' AND b0_.category_id IN (?))) AND b0_.status = 'A' AND b0_.type = 2 ORDER BY sclr_22 ASC LIMIT 1
03:15:05 doctrine SELECT b0_.value AS value_0, AS name_1, b0_.defaultlevel AS defaultlevel_2, b0_.price AS price_3, b0_.price_yearly AS price_yearly_4, b0_.width AS width_5, b0_.height AS height_6, AS active_7, b0_.popular AS popular_8, b0_.displayName AS displayName_9, b0_.trial AS trial_10 FROM BannerLevel b0_ WHERE = ? AND b0_.value = ?
03:15:05 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.cat_id AS cat_id_4, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_5, t0.image_id AS image_id_6, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_7, t0.type AS type_8, t0.featured AS featured_9, t0.summary_description AS summary_description_10, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_11, t0.page_title AS page_title_12, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_13, t0.keywords AS keywords_14, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_15, t0.content AS content_16, t0.isic_no AS isic_no_17, t0.title_mm AS title_mm_18, t0.enabled AS enabled_19, t0.category_id AS category_id_20, t0.image_id AS image_id_21, AS id_23, t22.type AS type_24, t22.width AS width_25, t22.height AS height_26, t22.prefix AS prefix_27, t22.unsplash AS unsplash_28, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_29, AS id_31, t30.type AS type_32, t30.width AS width_33, t30.height AS height_34, t30.prefix AS prefix_35, t30.unsplash AS unsplash_36, t0.import_id AS import_id_37 FROM ListingCategory t0 LEFT JOIN Image t22 ON t0.image_id = LEFT JOIN Image t30 ON t0.icon_id = WHERE IN (?)
03:15:05 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.cat_id AS cat_id_4, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_5, t0.image_id AS image_id_6, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_7, t0.type AS type_8, t0.featured AS featured_9, t0.summary_description AS summary_description_10, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_11, t0.page_title AS page_title_12, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_13, t0.keywords AS keywords_14, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_15, t0.content AS content_16, t0.isic_no AS isic_no_17, t0.title_mm AS title_mm_18, t0.enabled AS enabled_19, t0.category_id AS category_id_20, t0.image_id AS image_id_21, AS id_23, t22.type AS type_24, t22.width AS width_25, t22.height AS height_26, t22.prefix AS prefix_27, t22.unsplash AS unsplash_28, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_29, AS id_31, t30.type AS type_32, t30.width AS width_33, t30.height AS height_34, t30.prefix AS prefix_35, t30.unsplash AS unsplash_36, t0.import_id AS import_id_37 FROM ListingCategory t0 LEFT JOIN Image t22 ON t0.image_id = LEFT JOIN Image t30 ON t0.icon_id = WHERE IN (?)
03:15:05 doctrine SELECT AS id_0, b0_.account_id AS account_id_1, b0_.image_id AS image_id_2, b0_.category_id AS category_id_3, b0_.renewal_date AS renewal_date_4, b0_.discount_id AS discount_id_5, b0_.caption AS caption_6, b0_.status AS status_7, b0_.target_window AS target_window_8, b0_.type AS type_9, b0_.section AS section_10, b0_.content_line1 AS content_line1_11, b0_.content_line2 AS content_line2_12, b0_.destination_protocol AS destination_protocol_13, b0_.display_url AS display_url_14, b0_.destination_url AS destination_url_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16, b0_.entered AS entered_17, b0_.show_type AS show_type_18, b0_.script AS script_19, b0_.package_id AS package_id_20, b0_.package_price AS package_price_21, RAND() AS sclr_22, b0_.image_id AS image_id_23 FROM Banner b0_ WHERE (b0_.renewal_date >= CURRENT_DATE OR b0_.renewal_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR b0_.renewal_date IS NULL) AND (b0_.section = 'global' OR (b0_.section = 'listing' AND b0_.category_id IN (?)) OR (b0_.section = 'promotion' AND b0_.category_id IN (?))) AND b0_.status = 'A' AND b0_.type = 50 ORDER BY sclr_22 ASC LIMIT 1
03:15:05 doctrine SELECT b0_.value AS value_0, AS name_1, b0_.defaultlevel AS defaultlevel_2, b0_.price AS price_3, b0_.price_yearly AS price_yearly_4, b0_.width AS width_5, b0_.height AS height_6, AS active_7, b0_.popular AS popular_8, b0_.displayName AS displayName_9, b0_.trial AS trial_10 FROM BannerLevel b0_ WHERE = ? AND b0_.value = ?
03:15:05 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.cat_id AS cat_id_4, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_5, t0.image_id AS image_id_6, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_7, t0.type AS type_8, t0.featured AS featured_9, t0.summary_description AS summary_description_10, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_11, t0.page_title AS page_title_12, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_13, t0.keywords AS keywords_14, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_15, t0.content AS content_16, t0.isic_no AS isic_no_17, t0.title_mm AS title_mm_18, t0.enabled AS enabled_19, t0.category_id AS category_id_20, t0.image_id AS image_id_21, AS id_23, t22.type AS type_24, t22.width AS width_25, t22.height AS height_26, t22.prefix AS prefix_27, t22.unsplash AS unsplash_28, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_29, AS id_31, t30.type AS type_32, t30.width AS width_33, t30.height AS height_34, t30.prefix AS prefix_35, t30.unsplash AS unsplash_36, t0.import_id AS import_id_37 FROM ListingCategory t0 LEFT JOIN Image t22 ON t0.image_id = LEFT JOIN Image t30 ON t0.icon_id = WHERE IN (?)
03:15:05 doctrine SELECT AS id_1, t0.title AS title_2, t0.category_id AS category_id_3, t0.cat_id AS cat_id_4, t0.thumb_id AS thumb_id_5, t0.image_id AS image_id_6, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_7, t0.type AS type_8, t0.featured AS featured_9, t0.summary_description AS summary_description_10, t0.seo_description AS seo_description_11, t0.page_title AS page_title_12, t0.friendly_url AS friendly_url_13, t0.keywords AS keywords_14, t0.seo_keywords AS seo_keywords_15, t0.content AS content_16, t0.isic_no AS isic_no_17, t0.title_mm AS title_mm_18, t0.enabled AS enabled_19, t0.category_id AS category_id_20, t0.image_id AS image_id_21, AS id_23, t22.type AS type_24, t22.width AS width_25, t22.height AS height_26, t22.prefix AS prefix_27, t22.unsplash AS unsplash_28, t0.icon_id AS icon_id_29, AS id_31, t30.type AS type_32, t30.width AS width_33, t30.height AS height_34, t30.prefix AS prefix_35, t30.unsplash AS unsplash_36, t0.import_id AS import_id_37 FROM ListingCategory t0 LEFT JOIN Image t22 ON t0.image_id = LEFT JOIN Image t30 ON t0.icon_id = WHERE IN (?)
03:15:05 doctrine SELECT AS id_0, b0_.account_id AS account_id_1, b0_.image_id AS image_id_2, b0_.category_id AS category_id_3, b0_.renewal_date AS renewal_date_4, b0_.discount_id AS discount_id_5, b0_.caption AS caption_6, b0_.status AS status_7, b0_.target_window AS target_window_8, b0_.type AS type_9, b0_.section AS section_10, b0_.content_line1 AS content_line1_11, b0_.content_line2 AS content_line2_12, b0_.destination_protocol AS destination_protocol_13, b0_.display_url AS display_url_14, b0_.destination_url AS destination_url_15, b0_.updated AS updated_16, b0_.entered AS entered_17, b0_.show_type AS show_type_18, b0_.script AS script_19, b0_.package_id AS package_id_20, b0_.package_price AS package_price_21, RAND() AS sclr_22, b0_.image_id AS image_id_23 FROM Banner b0_ WHERE (b0_.renewal_date >= CURRENT_DATE OR b0_.renewal_date = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR b0_.renewal_date IS NULL) AND (b0_.section = 'global' OR (b0_.section = 'listing' AND b0_.category_id IN (?)) OR (b0_.section = 'promotion' AND b0_.category_id IN (?))) AND b0_.status = 'A' AND b0_.type = 50 ORDER BY sclr_22 ASC LIMIT 1
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 translation Translation use fallback catalogue.
03:15:05 event Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\FirePHPHandler::onKernelResponse".
03:15:05 event Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Handler\ChromePhpHandler::onKernelResponse".
03:15:05 event Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "ArcaSolutions\CoreBundle\EventListener\AfterControllerListener::onKernelResponse".
03:15:05 event Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ResponseListener::onKernelResponse".
03:15:05 event Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe\ResponseListener::onKernelResponse".
03:15:05 event Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelResponse".
03:15:05 event Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener::onKernelResponse".
03:15:05 event Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\EventListener\WebDebugToolbarListener::onKernelResponse".
03:15:05 event Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SaveSessionListener::onKernelResponse".
03:15:05 event Notified event "kernel.response" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\StreamedResponseListener::onKernelResponse".
03:15:05 event Notified event "kernel.finish_request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelFinishRequest".
03:15:05 event Notified event "kernel.finish_request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\TranslatorListener::onKernelFinishRequest".
03:15:05 event Notified event "kernel.finish_request" to listener "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelFinishRequest".
03:15:05 event Notified event "kernel.finish_request" to listener "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\Firewall::onKernelFinishRequest".

Silenced Errors 0

There are no log messages of this level.